Tango at the Gazebo in Durango! This is
an incredible weekly event and I got pictures to prove it! I am having the best
time in Durango and my DWTFTs: Dances With The Finest Tangueras:-) Everybody
here is working towards improving their dance and helping our small community grow
with their attendance and enthusiastic support.
I think
yoga has a lot to do with our success. Keneen McNivens is our resident yoga
instructor and many of her students are in our practica group.
I don’t
do yoga but I do eat yo-gurt so that is close enough. I’ve been
stretching, too, but I can’t quite get myself to look deep inside my innards
for the light that shines within me…that sucker is probably so bright I’ll go
blind! LOL! Tango turned that bulb on a long time ago and it’s been burning
brightly ever since.
I think the yoga factor is a big influence on our group’s success. I can’t say
exactly how the relationship works but it is my experience that thriving tango
communities have a high percentage of people who are practitioners of the oriental
arts, be it yoga, kung fu, tai chi or origami .
the community has a lot of transient citizens who are well-traveled and open to
exploring the social art of dance. Add to that the fact that the Gazebo is
smack dab in the middle of town and at a major intersection on the Animas River
biking/hiking path, a busy thoroughfare that brings us many a curious passerby.
Last but
not least is the Gazebo’s location by the river. Rivers generate lots and lots
of negative ions which stimulate the pleasure receptors in our brains. Throw in
some tango music and some beautiful tangueras and you have all the makings of
an incredible social experience.
I’d have
to measure our Total Group Happiness, or TGH, at a 63 on a scale from 1 to 64,
with 64 being the highest measurement indicating that all the participant’s
bodies are oscillating at a level very near the point where they will experience Cosmic Communal Nirvana, or CCN!
all for now. I got to get ready for the Wild Horse Saloon where I will have too
much fun and probably explode…fortunately I keep all my body parts numbered for
just such an occasion.
PLT(peace, love, tango:-)
Perri, ‘moose and squirrel’ and Capitan Frog!
(For a more in-depth looking into the mind of the Kayak Hombre and his thoughts on tango, buy his book: River Tango, now available on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/River-Tango-perri-iezzoni/dp/1453865527 )
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