Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Perfect Partner

               Tango is an attempt by two people to spontaneously choreograph, together, their individual interpretations of a piece of music.
               That’s a pretty complex statement but it is the reasoning behind the colloquialism that says, “In tango, there are no mistakes.”
               Once a person accepts this idiom for what it is, The Truth, then he or she can discontinue the pursuit of the perfect dance because it is an unattainable goal, and carry on with the real reason why we dance tango: to find the perfect partner.
               I encounter many novices, and even some not-so-new dancers, who are obsessed with absolutes.
               “I was told never to do this,” they say, or, “I was told always to do that.”
               There are no ‘nevers’ nor are there any ‘always’.  There is only your balance and the fundamentals: forward, back, side, pivot, in-place, pause….and your partner.
               What makes a perfect partner? One way to find out is to dance tango with as many different people as possible. When you find the right one, and there may be several or maybe just one, you will know it but not right away.
               On the drive home or sometime the next day, it will occur to you that there was chemistry between you and a particular dancer. The perfect partner is not a person, it is the memory of a person you danced with when everything was just right: music, mood and tempo.

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