Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Monster That Ate Tango

Tango is almost entirely dependent upon the woman. If she responds only to the cues she is given, the dance is a tango; if she moves on her own the tango disappears. Each step is a collaboration and the result is a spontaneous and unique interpretation of the music.

          During the dance the leader is doing many things: listening to the music, navigating, choreographing and conveying his intentions through body language. The follower is doing only one thing: she is being the song as her partner hears it.

It may seem that the follower has the easier task but that is not the case. She is constantly tempted by a demon called Anticipation. It inhabits that space of time in between each dancer’s steps. It lives and dies a hundred times a song. This creature has no place in the tango embrace; it is an abomination that destroys creativity.

          I think that a woman’s ability to wait for the lead is a sign of respect and respect is something all men crave. Respect enhances a woman’s appeal and adds mystery to the outcome of each step.

          Respect is a word with many meanings when applied to the follower’s role in this endeavor. She must give it to her partner as well as to herself. She must be confident in her ability to discern what she is feeling and to act on that information without fear or hesitation. She must believe in her own infallibility or else the tango dies and the monster wins.

For more writings by the Kayak Hombre, check out his books on Amazon:


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