Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Durango Tango Amorio: Feb. 1-3, 2013 with Daniela Arcuri and Qtango Orchestra

               Argentine tango is a style of music and the social dance that accompanies it. While a version of tango is performed in professional ballroom dancing, a social style is practiced in communities all around the world that is much more intimate and passionate. Social Tango, as it is known, is much less rigid than its professional cousin.
               On Feb. 1-3, Fri-Sun, Daniela Arcuri, Master teacher from Buenos Aires http://www.danielaarcuri4tango.com/ will be conducting an Argentine Tango Dancing workshop weekend beginning Friday night at 8:00 p.m. at Four Leaves Winery in Durango, Colorado. She will teach a free lesson and other milongueros, people who dance tango, will be practicing their moves for an open social dance with live music on Saturday night.
               The music will be performed by Albuquerque’s well-known tango orchestra, Qtango. http://www.qtango.com/QTANGO.html
               The workshop classes begin at The Dance Studio on Rt. 160, on the Durango southern city limits, Saturday, starting at 12:30 p.m., followed by a milonga beginning at 7 p.m. A ‘milonga’ is a place where tango is danced. Sunday the classes continue with Daniela plus a special musicality class taught by Qtango band members, Erskine Maytorena and Olga Tikhovidova.
               Dancing is a great way to lose weight and relieve stress as well as to improve coordination and confidence in how you present yourself to the public. It is a great mental exercise that will keep your mind active, improve circulation to the brain and help stimulate your memory when you choreograph a personal interpretation of a song with  your partner. It is also a great way to meet new people.
               Singles and couples are encouraged to attend as no partner is needed to learn fundamental tango skills and a dance with strangers is usually an integral part of the social tango experience. Switching dance partners is suggested during class but by no means is it a requirement.
               For more information about tango in your the Durango area go to: http://www.tangodurango.com/ or find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/353689751341313/

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