Friday, June 14, 2013

Wanted: Single Women Seeking Tango

                  Women love to dance. I don’t know why that is and I won’t even pretend an explanation. Men love to dance, too, but we could easily dance alone. The reason we don't dance alone is because we love women and are drawn to them by their need for a partner.                                           
                  Men are specially designed to respond to the needs of a woman. When she frowns, we try to figure out why. When she smiles, we elate. So, too, it is that, when a woman is looking for a dance partner, we can ‘feel her searching’.  
                 I know this is true and I can prove it. Go to almost any advanced tango workshop and you will see they are almost always gender-balanced. Yes, there might be one or two extra followers but that is not so bad when you consider the rumor the guys heard that brought them there: three girls to every boy! This is even more remarkable when you consider that a large percentage of the tango community is single.  
               As hard as this may be for some ladies to believe, most communities have an equal amount of men and women seeking dance partners. Unfortunately for the women, men have a tendency to find a place that serves beer and can get idled by the alcohol. Women have a lower tolerance for alcohol than men and this generally leads to a variety of misunderstandings, most of which are not conducive to dancing.
               Now, this is not to say there aren’t instances where the followers wildly outnumber the leaders. This usually occurs at a ‘sanitized’ tango event, most likely held at the local Holiday Inn. At these gatherings, a dance studio will bring in a ‘live tanguero’ for their women to safely dance with. They’ve been assured that, even though he is a wild Argentine male, his penis has been super-glued to his nutsack and they are free to touch him.
               Tango is not safe. It is a dance of passion, not for the timid. If a woman is brave enough to venture out into the wilderness, where true tango is being taught, she will find what she is looking for.
               At the Wild Horse Saloon in Durango, I often see women who’ve braced themselves and taken the plunge into the dance scene.
               It is not enough just to show up, you have to let the guys know you are willing to dance with them. Even at the Wild Horse, where the leaders have lots of experience, they can still find it difficult to approach a new woman for a dance. Usually one brave(inebriated?) guy will break from the pack and offer an invite.
               A word to the wise: if you say ‘no’ to your first invite, don’t expect any more. Good luck.
               I write this post to let the ladies know that we are aware of your need. Don’t give up on us leaders. We are out there looking for you. What we do is difficult but it is worth the effort because we know you are a treasure worth searching for.

For more insights into Kayak Hombre's views on men and women dancing tango, read his book. Available on Amazon at: 

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