Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Man with Four Brains

               Your feet are like the rhythm of a song. The rhythm by itself is innocuous but paired with a melody it provides the background for a thing of beauty: a song. We don’t pay much attention to our feet as they carry us through the day, that is until they begin to hurt. They are like love: happy to be taken for granted but capable of emoting great pain if they are abused or ignored.
               Most adults will acknowledge the existence of two brains: the one in their head and the one in their pants. Oh, excuse me, was I just a little bit vulgar there? Did that expression, “in their pants” make your stomach turn? If it did, then you should be aware that you have a third brain and it is in your stomach.
               The large, or maybe not so large, sponge in your head is merely there to make calculations and conjugate verbs. The brain in your stomach is there to get you out of bed to get something to eat. It also tells you to when to lie and when to get the hell out of a dangerous situation. In the lives of modern-day Americans, the things our stomachs tell us to do are often the things the brains in our heads are learning that we should not do: overeating, fibbing, being fearful of how we appear before our peers, at work or in public.
               That our hearts may be considered a source of intellectual activity I’m sure comes as no surprise to any of us. It is the source of love and compassion. It is a virtual glue factory that cements the bonds in our relationships.
               If you can allow yourself to accept the possibility that our feet, and probably our hands, too, are a source of intellectual activity, then what part of our lives would they affect? It is my guess that they would provide the rhythm for our lives, just like the rhythm in a tango melody. How we move has a great impact on how we experience life. If we move well, perhaps our lives will play out more harmoniously.
               Maybe this is the reason I am drawn to tango. It has taught me how to move and that has had a positive effect on my life.

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