Friday, April 27, 2012

Scent of a Woman

               What is that odor I smell as I am here, dancing with this lithe woman, her hair, pulled back tightly into a pony-tail, pushing into my right cheekbone? I get it. She has not washed her hair. Why in the world does this song have to be so slow? Are all the songs in this tanda going to be like this?
               Is she snuggling up to me? Now I see: she has not even showered. I’ve been bad and I am being punished. Here is the end of the third song…c’mon cortina! Oh no! A four song tanda! I have been really, really bad and now I am in hell. I’ll be good, please don’t go for five.
               Phweeeww! That was tough. I could barely hold my breath any longer. I should be an underwater diver, maybe dive for pearls or something. Did I see someone looking at me? I thought I saw eyes in the crowd glancing in my direction. Use the mirrors, Luke, use the mirrors. Obi Wan, is that you? Oh, I see her now in the mirror, thanks, master.
               Hey, she’s not too bad looking, I’ll head over there. Hey, was that a cloud of perfume I just walked through? I wonder where it’s coming from? Okay, now I see, the lady with the pantsuit. I’ll bet she just got off work and doused herself with perfume instead of taking a shower. I’ll have to remember to avoid this side of the room.
               There you are. Okay, let’s tango. Hey, nice, you smell like soap! What, first song over already? I better pop in a piece of breath-freshening gum. Am I getting too sweaty? Should I go for the backup shirt? Yeah, after this dance. Wow, was that a tanda, already? What, a five songer? Whoa, bummer, I’d like another tanda. Oh well, shoulda changed this shirt sooner.
               Alright, fresh shirt. Hey, yeah, it is a new shirt. Just for you, baby. I’m hungry. Why am I so hungry? This girl’s hot! Do I smell grapes? Apples? I really like this woman. It’s apples, definitely. I love her. Can’t see if she’s got a ring from here without being obvious. I don’t care, I love her. No, it’s grapes. What? Time to go? Already?
               Hey, my car smells like cupcakes, oh yeah, there they are. I smell grapes…no, apples. Who was she? I think I’m in love.

Note: For an in-depth look into the mind of the Kayak Hombre, read his book, available on Amazon:

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