Thursday, April 5, 2012

The String Theory of Tango Zombies

               Where we last left our characters in Tango Zombies, Zach has knocked up three different women: Angelina, the professor, mad scientist, daughter and murderer of her father the Mayan Blood-god; Drusilla, a tango instructor moonlighting as a vampire and Ceci, a witch of the Order of La Befana. Somehow Zach and Ceci have managed to transport themselves to another dimension where they encountered the Mayan Blood-god who has managed to stay alive in another dimension in spite of the fact that Angelina destroyed his corporeal form in the dimension where this story takes place.
               How can this be, you might ask? It all has to do with string theory. For all my reader’s down at Nasa’s JPL, here is how it works.
               If we lived in a box, we would count the different directions we could move: forward/backwards, left/right and up/down. There is one more direction we can move although it seems somewhat involuntarily: we can move through time. These are the four dimensions we know exist.
               This is like tango. Fundamentally, we can move in four directions: frontwards, backwards, sideways and we can pivot. The pivot is like time, only we can see it happening. It is avoidable but not for long because sooner or later we will have to turn or bang into the wall.
               Imagine the universe is made up of fifteen dimensions, all connected by strings. The vibrations of the strings creates the physical laws governing the nature of each plane, or dimension, we are observing. The strings’ vibrations dictate the rules that govern each dimension, such as gravity, the speed of light, magnetic attraction, atomic bonding, electricity, etc. On the other planes, gravity is not so strong and electricity is not so fast or is faster, and so on. 
               Because the string attached to our spatial dimensions, in 'our' time, vibrates at just the right speed, our molecules fail to merge with the molecules of other solid objects. If they didn’t oscillate correctly, we would have a difficult time getting around because gravity would pull all the molecules together into a giant ball in the middle of the universe…or maybe not, it could be a little left of center.
               Strings connecting other planes where movement and/or time are defined differently, oscillate on another frequency thus dictating variations to the physical laws of that plane.
               If you use tango as a guide, we can surmise the nature of the other dimensions. The two final fundamental steps in tango are 'pause' and 'in-place'. Imagine if we applied these concepts to the four dimensions we already know.
               It is easier to apply these last two concepts to time than it is to the other three. We can easily conceive time stopping but time moving in place might be a little more challenging.
               Now let’s apply these concepts to the spatial planes.
               Because the universe is so vast we do not realize that we are moving all of the time. Not only are we continually in motion, we are constantly moving on at least two planes, simultaneously. I’m going postulate that we are also moving on a third, as well. Everything moves in a circular motion, which is forward/backward and sideways because we are on objects that are in orbit: we inhabit the Earth which is in orbit around the sun which is revolving around God-knows-what in the Milky Way Galaxy.
               I propose that we are also rotating up or down in relation to the things we are orbiting so that the three spatial dimensions are represented simultaneously. As the Earth orbits the Sun its path is a little more 'north' on one side of the Sun and a little more 'south' on the other side. If a viewer could see a trail of our planet's orbit over a long period of time, the observer would see the Sun entirely block out by the illuminated trailer. 
               So, we are moving around the Sun in two simultaneous directions as we move with the Sun as it orbits something else in the galaxy.
               As in tango, if we only went forward or backwards or sideways, we would crash into the wall. Who’s to say that, if we stopped one of the motions by muting its string, like the pause in tango, what physical laws would be changed or how our perspective of the universe would be affected. Would we crash into an inter-dimensional 'wall'?
               It is my belief that each spatial dimension can be paused and therefore becomes a new dimension governed by a different set of physical laws. Harder to understand is that each spatial dimension can be moved ‘in place’. I can’t explain that yet but I will one day.
               So, forward motion can be stopped or executed ‘in place’ and sideways movement can be halted and done ‘in place’ and the same for upwards mobility or 'contra-orbit'. Each one of those states is another plane or dimension. Each is connected by a string whose vibration dictates the physical laws governing that state. Each spatial dimension, then, represents three different planes, giving us a total, so far, of ten.
               That’s the hard part, the rest is easy because it deals with time. We already suspect that time exists in the future because of phenomenon such as déjà vu or intuition. Based on this data, I postulate that time exists in different dimensions connected by the various spatial dimensions. There is forward time, backward time, sideways time, time in place and time standing still. I think time moving in place is consistent with our accepted perception of time and forward time is what we experience when something like déjà vu occurs.
               There may be more dimensions, like those of thought and a plane where our souls exist.
               On top of all this, I surmise there must be one more dimension. This is the place where God exists. From this plane all things can be controlled. That is why the Mayan Blood god is trying to get there, because from here he can take over the universe.
               The Tango Zombies have eaten the zombie moss that puts their bodies into multidimensional states until the moss is fully digested which can take decades. They are in the present dimensions as well as the dimension of time standing still. Hopefully, Angelina can come up with a cure that will return them to the normal human condition.
               Women are naturally imbued with the ability to tune into the plane of time moving forward which aids their intuitive abilities. Women are also sensitive to the plane of thought and can thus read the minds of men. Men are uniquely tuned into the dimension of time moving backwards which causes problems with their digestive systems and a lot of heartache and regret.

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