Friday, May 25, 2012

Confessions of a Tango Addict

               I think it’s about time I took all this material and put it into another format. Coming soon: ‘Confessions of a Tango Addict’, by Perri Iezzoni.
               It is only appropriate. I am happy here in Durango. There is plenty of tango here and in the most beautiful settings. Until I ended up in this town, I couldn’t be happy without tango, now I think I won’t be happy without Durango. Every story needs a happy ending and I know now that I can write it and still be truthful to my readers.
               It has been a long journey since I first put on my dance shoes looking for a woman to accompany me in my canoe down the river’s rapids. I thought for sure the river I’d be running would be the Lehigh or Delaware River, not the Animas River.  The only thing I knew for certain was that my heart was at the helm and I was just a passenger on this ride. It's been a rough and stormy ride but I do seem to have arrived here with my ship intact.
               I don’t know how I will be able to survive here once my contract runs out. My heart has led me to fertile soil and I’m sure I can grow here. I sense that I will find the answer while I am working on my book.
               ‘Confessions…’ is going to chronicle my path from a poorly pitched tent on a pathetic campsite along the Upper Delaware River. There I drank beer beside a tiny fire until dawn, protecting the flames with my body from a steady but light rain. I decided that night that I would not be a hermit lost in the woods. I knew I could find my way out of there if I would follow my heart. I was right. It took me to dance class, to Scranton, Bethlehem, Stroudsurg, NYC, Philadelphia, the South, to Texas and finally to the Rocky Mountains. 
                Most of my material has already been presented on this blog. I hope you find the framework with which I use to display it, interesting.
               Since I will be asking people to pay for my book I think it is safe to say that I will be throwing out all forms of politeness and respectability. There are so many things I would like to have said but was constrained by time and the nature of a blog. My description of the women will be a lot more descriptive for the men who do not have the courage to venture out of their safe little hobbit-holes and try something that would make their hearts happy. My self-analysis will be more in-depth: good fodder for any budding psychiatrists out there looking for a head to examine.
               It has been a long journey: nearly eight years since that rainy night on the river. Trust that this will not be my last blog but my posts will be less frequent: writing a book is a big task. Also, there is not that much of interest to write about other than life here is great. Tango in Durango is awesome. Our community is growing. I can be content living, loving and writing here in this town. Nobody wants to read about that: readers want turmoil, adventure and intrigue. That was my life before and I am glad I wrote about it but I am more than ready for that lifestyle to end.
               I am so glad I learned how to dance. Like tango, it can be a lifelong endeavor that rewards the body with health and brings peace to the mind. I will always work on my tango but I think I am also going to work on my West Coast Swing and Country Two-Step. There is a certain senorita that I got my eye on and I’d like to try and get her in my canoe. God willing, I will succeed.
Peace, Love, Tango
Kayak Hombre:-)

Note: For an in-depth look into the mind of the Kayak Hombre, read his book, available on Amazon:

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