Sunday, May 6, 2012

Feminine Wiles

               It is difficult, when I find myself attracted to a tanguera, to discern if it is fate or I am merely a victim of her feminine wiles. This is a phenomenon I find very intriguing but it does leave me feeling disappointed whenever I suspect they may have been used on me. I don’t know why I feel this way, perhaps, if I blog about it the answer will come to me.
               My previous post dealt with a man’s urge to tell a woman he finds infatuating that he is affected by her. It is possible my infatuation is not merely a matter of chemistry and primal urges; it may also owe its existence to a little planning on the woman’s part.  Once again, the more I learn about women the more I realize that I still know very little about them, myself and life.
               The ocean is so great and my boat is still so small. Last night my heart went overboard and the only thing keeping it attached to my ship was the web of a spider sent to me from God. I got a stronger line on it now but it is still far away.
               All in all, it has been one terrific weekend. What does it matter that my feelings are not solely the result of chemistry and DNA? I put my boat on the water when I started dancing tango because this is the world I want to live in: a world where ‘feminine’ is part of the equation, part of the mystery and part of the answer to all things.

(For a more in-depth looking into the mind of the Kayak Hombre and his thoughts on tango, buy his book: River Tango, now available on at

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